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Gold Colour Diva Glass

$ 24.20

Buy a diva glass online with worldwide delivery. A robust diva glass available in several elegant designs to select from. The gold colour designs add a touch of class. Fire was discovered by Shah Hoshang and has been an important element in the lives of Zoroastrians. Let there be light!  The diva is lit daily during prayers and on other Zoroastrian ceremonies. A perfect gift for family and friends.

Buy a diva glass online with worldwide delivery. A robust diva glass available in several elegant designs to select from. The gold colour designs add a touch of class. Fire was discovered by Shah Hoshang and has been an important element in the lives of Zoroastrians. Let there be light!  The diva is lit daily during prayers and on other Zoroastrian ceremonies. A perfect gift for family and friends.  Please take care as the diva glass is fragile. Spread positivity and warmth by lighting a diva in your homes and fire temples. Welcome your family and friends by creating a great impression when people step into your home.


  • Material: Glass
  • Size: Small
  • Golden coloured designs
  • Multiple designs available
  • Fragile
  • Elegant
  • Positive vibrations
  • Gift
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